Help Prevent Seniors From Falling on Outdoor Surfaces
It is estimated that one in every three people over the age of 65 years and one in two people over the age of 80 years fall every year. Older people are more likely to suffer serious injuries, disability, psychological consequences and death following a fall than other age groups (HSE Strategy to Prevent falls and Fractures in Ireland Ageing Population 2008). Clearly representing a large number of people, figures from the annual conference of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (ISCP) revealed that 7,000 people over the age of 65 are admitted to hospital for the treatment of fall-related injuries each year. For the elderly, injuries from taking a spill often limit mobility and increase the risk for early death.
Nearly half of tumbles outdoors are related to walking, particularly on uneven sidewalks or tripping over curbs. Those at highest risk for falling outdoors are individuals with balance, vision or cognitive impairment, or weakness in the lower extremities. Fortunately, many of the slips and spills outside for elders can be prevented by the following measures:
- Stay aware of uneven terrain or slippery surfaces (watch for holes, tree roots and ice).
- Check the height of curbs and steps before stepping up on them or down from them.
- Walk on grass if sidewalks or roads appear to be slippery or uneven.
- Wear correct eyewear when walking (reading glasses or bifocals can distort the ability to see potential hazards).
- Wear sunglasses to prevent glare.
- Walk in well-lit areas in the evening to provide the most visibility for hazards.
- Walk hands-free using a fanny pack or an over-the-shoulder bag.
- Wear sturdy, low-heeled shoes for better balance.
The Mayo Clinic also lists several fall prevention tips. Right at Home carers are trained to help seniors with balance issues use walkers or canes and step carefully onto curbs or up steps. The adult home care professionals also can keep an eye on decks, porches and steps for worn-down areas or loose nails. Limiting outdoor fall hazards keeps everyone safe to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.